CRR de-SOx maritime scrubber
Ship owners are confronted with huge challenges to comply with the 2020 SOx regulation.
CRR offers a marine exhaust gas cleaning solution which can be retrofitted easily in a matter of days. The system works without any uses of any harmful chemicals.
Addressing the challenges of the maritime industry, the solution a light-weight and scalable dry filter system for the reduction of SOx, PM and BC.
Also, the system is highly efficient also from a financial point of view, without requiring the ship to be docked with stort port period during installation.
Remarkable advantages
■ Efficient removal of SOx emissions from HFO
■ Closed loop system with low backpressure
■ PM and BC removal rates of +99,8%
■ Easy, fast and low-cost installation
■ Suitable for retrofit installations
■ Modular and scalable solution
■ No use of toxic chemicals
■ Short payback time
© CRR Denmark ApS - Green Tech Center - Lysholt Allè 6 - DK7100 Vejle - e-mail. - Cell. 045 5350 8012 - CVR. 30536495 | ALL RIGHTS RESERVED