CRR exhaust gas cleaning filter system:
The special filter media and cartridge technology with following effects:
* Rapid creation of a permeable dust layer on the media surface.
* Very low loss of pressure due to simple and effective cleansing of the media surface.
* Long term usage due to low mechanical stress
* The lime dust application device reduces SOx emissions drastically.
* Resistance of 300 – 700 PA
* Filtration effect SOx +98 %
* Filtration effect PM +99 %
* PM filtration size: > 0,5 μm
* Short payback time from the fuel cost savings
* Remaining dust quantity: < 5mg/m3
* Exhaust gas temperature: up to 180 C°
* The cartridges can be washed and reused. Lifetime expectancy 1 – 3 years.
* Planning and production delay from 6 - 20 weeks depending on size.
Planning and production delay from 6-20 weeks depending on size. Installation delay: approx. 1 week depending on size and on board space availability. Off hire expected during connection to the exhaust system and the installation of the fixed parts, as well as initial startup.
Particulate Matter (PM) reduction:
The CRR Maritime EGCS reduces 99+ % of the PM content in the exhaust gas. The dry filter separates not only hydrophilic but also hydrophobic particles, which are thought to be the main element of Black Carbon.
Environmental science blames Black Carbon as one of the key elements in climate change. Black Carbon deposits on glacial and polar ice surfaces absorb sunlight and consequently accelerate ice melting. It is expected that new legislation will restrict PM emissions in shipping, especially in artic- and subarctic regions.
The CRR maritime solution will comply with such legislation.