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Case Study, Stadtwerke Radolfzell, Baden-Würtemberg, Germany Heizzentrale Möggingen. Projectowner: Dipl. Ing. Jörg Eckert


* To supply the local community of 135 households with electricity and heat.

* To create a centralized, local and sustainable supply of electricity and heat for a community placed in a nature reserve.

* To reduce CO2 output from the levels of the existing individual heating solutions.

* To minimize pollution from the new installations and to improve the overall quality of air.


Heat supply,

* Wood chips burning heat plant (1.2 MW thermic)

* Biogas block heat power plant (324 KW thermic / 250 KW electric)


Photovoltaic installation 64,04 kWp,

* CO2 reduction, 1986 tons p/a equivalent to 182 households



* Output of particular matter is restricted to 100mg/m3 presently

* Actual output: 3,5mg/m3 as measured by TüV upon installation and again in 2013


State subventions are available for installations with an output of <15mg/m3

The project received €20 /KWh of production towards the cost of the Ecovac



The project chose an Ecovac Heat Plant Solution to:

* Reduce the output of particular matter

* Meet the budgetary restrains

* Minimize building size

* Meet the output levels required to qualify for state subventions

* Be easy to maintain




In order to achieve maximum results, wood chips should have a dryness factor of 65 % or above.  Mr. Eckert conceived a system where the wood chips are stored in a shed with a warm air grid at the bottom that dries the chips.  The warm air is excess from the actual plant with a blower distributing it throughout the grid. Burning wood chips with a dryness factor below 60 % creates more and larger particular matter, which clogs up filters of any kind as well as minimizes the energy gained during burning.


In 2012 approx. 400 mayors from cities across Germany and neighboring countries visited the site to evaluate its validity for their own projects.


Having achieved all of his goals, Mr. Eckert is particularly satisfied with the Ecovac Heat Plant Solution as it met and exceeded the emissions levels it advertised. Mr. Eckert will gladly share his experience with petitioners. 


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