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CRR DENMARK is a growing Danish company that is expanding thoroughly with distribution of unique and innovative technologies for CLEAN AIR exhaust gas treatment filter systems.
Our services are ment for the maritime and offshore industrial field based on the European and global emission directives, as well as the present and future environmental industrial standarts.
CRR DENMARK is supported by highly professional companies all over Europe. All are with strong and proven business concepts, with qualified and experienced engineers and specialists.
CRR' mission is to create high effective and energy saving solutions that not only benefit the planet environmental health and climate, but also create significant financial rewards for our customers.
The first installation of CRR Maritime exhaust gas treatment system is installed on a Danish vessel in 2015. The project is supportet from the Danish Government, Maritime found and SOLVAir® Solutions.
The funktion system works in a close loop system without any waste to the sea and would reduce PM-BC with more than 99 % as well sulfur from Heavy fuel oil to maintain the sulfur lemit and legislation.

Green Tech Center
Lysholt Alle 6
DK 7100 Vejle
Cell. +45 53508012
CEO. Peter Gludsø
Visit CRR DENMARK during the Danish Maritime Days in Copenhagen
From 6 to 8 October 2015 we participate at the Danish Maritime Fair to tell about our Marine EXHAUST tratment system for ships. To find out more about this exhibition click here
© CRR Denmark ApS - CVR. 30536495 | ALL RIGHTS RESERVED
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